Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yesterday I went to Kuala Lumpur Sports Medical Centre to get my shoulder looked at.Well, in case you didn't know I have been having persistent problems with my shoulder lately.I actually sustained the injury back in 2009. No, I haven't been holding off seeing a doctor since then. I went to a reputable one back then and the pained stopped.

After two months of physio that is.........and let me tell you physiotherapy can be one of the most boring experiences of my life. It's ranked way up there with the lecture I got before I got my drivers license. I just lay there for 30 minutes at a time with the ultrasound machine on my shoulder........staring at the wall. While this was going on my physiotherapist had the time to go online and get reacquainted with her old friends (she told me). This went on TWICE A WEEK FOR TWO MONTHS....Heck why am I complaining. Many other people don't get it as easy as that...for them physio = Lucifer's playtime bootcamp

And the pain is back (and badder than ever!!!! Shoulder pain FTW!!!!). So the good doctor thinks I probably busted my tendon. So to rule out any unwanted possibilities he suggested I do an X-ray and get an MRI scan of my shoulder. The price of which I shall not speak of...but whats money when you get what you pay for eh???

So my first time getting an X-ray and going for an MRI scan.....WOOOO!!!! Talk about 2 birds with one stone. The X-ray involved my doing a chicken pose (arms like chicken wings) while wearing a lead (I think it was lead) apron to protect my family jewels from gene altering radiation. Nope don't want any Hydra sperm. And by Hydra I meant Lernaean Hydra - mythical sea serpent with many heads, not the Hydra organism that moves by amoeboid movement.

As for the MRI scan, I had it lucky according to my dad. To my knowledge there are two types of MRI machines. One of which I discovered yesterday..... =.=lll

The return-to -the-mother-ship tunnel MRI machine (the one I knew about)

The enter through the side one (which I discovered yesterday)

Now most of my family members who have done an MRI scan before have gone through the closed claustrophobia inducing one. This includes my dad who told me about his frightful being in a morgue like experience. The scary noises, numbness etc etc etc.

When it was my turn to go, my heart was beating like an industrial steam engine. Then it started......with two knocks followed by a monotonous drone. (Oh yeah I was given earplugs before it started) Then I realised that it sounded like techno I was like fcuk yeah techno music. I had to resist bobbing to the beat. Yes it's quite lame but I was searching for the silver lining in all this..... @.@

The test results come out fingers crossed X(>.<)X

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