Well apparently people are looking for something "uplifting and positive".The worst part is some of the books are about romantic relationships between angels and humans.Which begs me to ask the question..........Is anything sacred in this world anymore??The answer to that would be a big fat in your face no.That's because most people now consider angels as mythological creatures.(I kinda figured that out for myself when I saw Adam Sandler dress up as an angel for this years Kids Choice Awards)So there's no taboo there and all is fine with the world.
She says that as a raised Catholic she can't wrap her head around angels as objects of desire.Neither can I.I find it somewhat appalling actually.But hey,who am I to judge.So I'll leave it at that.
If this becomes the next big thing I can just imagine what would happen.Firstly, more and more spin-off books will be published.Everyone knows this.The fantasy,romance and stupidity genre will become saturated with books about angels.Angel this, angel that.Some of them will then try to be creative and in the process just come off as just being really really stupid.For example angels who must live of the life force of humans, angels who ran away from heaven because they believe in democracy, angels who must wear fuzzy bunny slippers while on earth, etc.
I'd be a monkey's uncle if some genius doesn't soon decide to make a movie based on one of those books.Then there will be an influx angel related show on both the tv and the big screen.And I thought Charmed was the last of it.Yes the actors playing the angels will most probably(who am I kidding here) be pretty boys types with rock hard abs of holiness.We have all but confirmed the fact that teenage girls will pay to see shirtless men on the big screen.Lets all pray (hehe) that they are not pale, moody and have artistically messed up hair.Yes the movie will be a hit.Those greasy movie folk will be laughing all the way to the bank every time the sequel comes out.This is suprising seeing how well angel related movies have done in the past.

Angels with machine guns....yeah this was a real blockbuster
So if you can't tell by now, I won't be in line to get those books.Those who know me well will know how highly I think of Twilight (best used as toilet paper) and that's probably how I'll feel about those books.Unless......yes there is an unless here people.Hallelujah!!If any author can stick to a small percentage of the truth then it may sway my vote.Daphne Lee says " Personally, I find the angel of death, Azrael's four faces and eye-and tongue-covered body a much more interesting prospect than yet another non-human masquerading as a dazzling youth."If any author can pull that off it might just make me interested enough to buy the book.
Now that the whole evil creatures as objects of desire thing is predicted to go out of vogue and rumors that angels will be taking their place as the new fantasy fodder, I have my own prediction.Strangely I feel this whole thing will come full circle.Once again bad will be the new good.Maybe this time it will be demons.You know with the whole I don't want to be evil but I can't help it issue.I mean how could girls not swoon over a man named Mephistopheles.XD
Till then, I will be looking forward to her review.
I definitely would go for a guy named Mephistopheles :P but probably the only way to get him would be through seom kind of Faustian contract =.=
ReplyDeleteI've seen lots of angel books on the shelves already, so... :(
Haha....true..that name just rolls off your tongue like sand paper....XD
ReplyDeleteYeah I noticed that too....but there is more to come apparently.. @_@