Tuesday, April 6, 2010

#1 Panel 4

I'm following the format of so many JPA interview related forums because it's easier, less cluttered and less complicated.

Course Applied: Medicine

Venue: Putrajaya

Experience: When I got there it was quite early (I woke up at 4.15 a.m ), there were only a few people around.Get there early, it helps.BTW it was my first time in Putrajaya.(I felt super "ulu" man)Most people didn't realise this until later on but you are supposed to sign your attendance when you get there.There are a few whiteboards with papers on them listing the people in each panel.There are 15 panels in total.Sign beside your name. (Duh).I was the first person on Panel 4.Which meant that I had the task of "etika membuka pintu", which I reluctantly did.Ironically the guy who was number 2 on the list shares the name as my brother.I found that rather amusing.

They said it would start at 8 a.m but it started like 8.20 a.m.There was no "ceramah" like I expected.Instead you go to your respective areas and you sign your name again.Then the person in charge will call your name and you do what he/she says.After handing in your file and copy of documents you are asked to line up.Me being the first bloke in felt quite nervous.Yes, the panel was all smiles but that didn't really help.

We were seated in our numerical order (we were given number tags).My panel began in BM and asked us to introduce ourselves.They gave us a list of details that they wanted us to include in our introduction.Please write down what they want you to talk about on the paper they give you.Seriously because I was the first guy and was slightly nervous I did not write them down and just memorised what they wanted.If you are not the first person, now is the time to prepare.The stuff they wanted were..

  • Name
  • School
  • What you learned from the program pendedahan kerjaya seorang doktor (for medicine)
  • Which country do you want to go to
  • Why do you want to go to that country
The questions asked depends on your panel.After introducing yourself the panel will ask you questions.Once again the questions asked totally depends on what your panel is like.So please pray for a jovial and goodhearted panel.Mine was rather serious and they joked among themselves but they were good.Personally I have no complaints about my panel.So it also boils down to luck.My friend was asked what handphone model he used.It was meant as a joke of course.Some were even asked what was the vaccine used to treat the H1N1 virus. >.<

They will also question you based on your co-curricular activities.So if your co-curriculum is great you have nothing to worry about.I don't have to tell you to control you speech, don't fiddle or shake your legs because these are what they are looking out for.You may notice that they are looking at your feet from time to time.Don't perasan and think that they are admiring your shoes.Remember that this part was done in BM (for my panel at least.....I was told that it was the same with other panels)

Now after all five people have introduced themselves and have been interrogated by the panel, they may ask you to form a U-shape with your chairs to begin the group discussion part of the interview.This was conducted in English.They will give you a topic which you have to discuss.(E.g sex education, 1 Malysia, science and math in BM, etc)It pays to read the newspaper.Mine was about doctors in the government sector leaving to join the private sector.We were asked to give our opinions.Remember to be polite when discussing.The last thing you want to do is make them perceive you as rude.That means don't butt in when a person is talking.Today I heard of some people who actually interrupted another person just so they could talk more then anyone else.Wait your turn.

Rating: 8/10

Advice/Additional info: Just be yourself.Be calm.The most important advice I can give is don't try to act smart.A lot of people will agree with me on this one.Trying to act smart will cost you dearly.They will make you eat your words if you get your facts wrong in the process.There was a case where this person stated stuff about Hepatitis but could not identify the types of Hepatitis.Another case where a person stated wanting to cure cancer as the reason he/she wanted to become a doctor and was rigorously questioned about it.There is a difference between wanting to set yourself apart from the others and just plain "lanci".It's good to show that you know your stuff but don't try to be a know-it-all especially with the panel.

I wish everyone who will be sitting for the JPA interview all the best and God bless.Remember to take it easy.

Our greatest battles are that with our own minds.
~ Jameson Frank ~

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