Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More candles = more headaches

I'm eighteen.There I said it.The feeling is quite overwhelming really.A few years ago, eighteen seemed so distant.It is said that turning sixteen, eighteen and twenty-one would bring major changes to one's life.Yet I feel that nothing is different.....

Ok, I would only be lying to myself if I said that nothing will change.Growing older always means taking on more responsibilities,for a person like me, that is where my problem lies.Lol.I seriously hate giving up what I loved when I was younger and entering young adulthood.OMG I feel so old.It's really depressing.That's why I haven't really celebrated my past few birthdays much to the dismay of my parents.I just don't like growing older.(Pre-midlife crisis????)

This year my parents insisted on me celebrating my birthday.I didn't want to disappoint them so......tadaa!!

We had a small celebration.I stress on the word small.I liked the set square and the guitar on top of the cake.It has a certain significance in my life.Cheesy german cheese cake.....yummy.

I made like the longest birthday wish EVER.My mom probably thought I slipped into a coma.Of course I'm not going to tell you what the wish was, it's a major taboo.

I'm also not going to put up more photos because of one reason.It's embarrassing.No one would ever want to put up pictures of their mom mollycoddling them and neither would I.

I would like to thank everyone who sent me such warm greetings.I really appreciate it.

Life is not a bed of roses.That I know for sure.Though in the near future I may face trials and tribulations, I hope that I may persevere.My path is uncertain, my steps unsure.To all you "children" who just cannot wait to become adults.Please enjoy your youth.Savor every moment you spend with your friends and family.Because when you reach the threshold of independence, you may just find yourself wanting to turn back.I hate to sound like a total killjoy but that is the musings of an eighteen year old person.

What I'm truly certain of is that time really flies.

The time I kill is killing me.
~Mason Cooley~

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